October 2, 2024

Hard to believe, but it’s already October. Unlike summer, which this year shyly peeked over the garden fence a few times before vanishing again, autumn has arrived with confidence, spreading its arms wide and shouting, “Tadaa, here I am!”

I love autumn! The air gets cooler, crisper, and smells of damp leaves. The light filtering through the colourful foliage is something special. And finally, there’s a reason to cosy up in a warm jumper, cook some pumpkin soup, and enjoy candlelit evenings.

The last three months of the year are always packed with things that still need ticking off. But instead of making a To-do list, I’m writing a To-want list this time! Not about what I have to get done, but what I want to make time for.

I want to consciously focus on the things that matter to me. It’s not just about achieving goals (although there are some), and it’s certainly not only about the big things. It’s the simple, everyday moments and small joys that shouldn’t get lost in the shuffle. So, what do I want to experience before 31st December? Here are my wishes for the final stretch of 2024.

My To-Want List

I’ve divided my wishes and plans into three categories. All of them are important to me. This way, I can achieve my artistic and professional goals, gather fresh ideas, and find peace and joy with my loved ones.

I know I won’t be able to accomplish everything, but that’s not the point. This isn’t another checklist to tick off; it’s a source of inspiration.

Art and Business

  1. 1
    ✅Finish my new art series "Glimpses".
  2. 2
    ✅Present the completed series "SQ".
  3. 3
    Renovate my studio.
  4. 4
    ✅Sell at least 3 more original works of art.
  5. 5
    ✅Gather new creative ideas, perhaps for a new series or artistic experiment.
  6. 6
    ✅Incorporate autumn colours into my paintings.
  7. 7
    ❌Participation in the Artbox.project Palma
  8. 8
    ✅Clear my mind and gather fresh energy for new projects.
  9. 9
    ✅Try out a new art technique, just for fun, without pressure.
  10. 10
    Publish my series "Old Attitudes" in a book.
  11. 11
    ✅Spend a day at the ARTe Dortmund art fair.
  12. 12
    ✅Take my sketchbook outdoors.
  13. 13
    ✅Participate in Judith Peters' annual review blog, reflect on my artistic year, and consider my direction for 2025.

Experiences and Inspirations

  1. 14
    ✅Go on at least one long autumn walk.
  2. 15
    Finally visit the Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague.
  3. 16
    ❌See the exhibition "Women Artists between Frankfurt and Paris 1900" at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt.
  4. 17
    ❌Watch the new production of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" at Düsseldorf's theatre.
  5. 18
    Stroll through Düsseldorf.
  6. 19
    Dip my toes in the sea.
  7. 20
    Experience a white Christmas.
  8. 21
    ✅Wander through a flea market again.
  9. 22
    ✅Enjoy a mulled wine at the Christmas market.

Time for Myself and Family

  1. 23
    ✅Find time to read my new book on artist Lotte Laserstein.
  2. 24
    ✅Celebrate Christmas with family.
  3. 25
    ✅Spend a whole day in a cosy café with my partner, reading and people-watching.
  4. 26
    ✅Enjoy an autumn breakfast with fresh croissants and hot chocolate.
  5. 27
    ✅Have a cosy film night with classic movies.
  6. 28
    ✅Write a love letter.
  7. 29
    ✅Receive a love letter.
  8. 30
    ✅Plan a whole day without any appointments.
  9. 31
    ✅Find a new cooperative game for our Christmas game nights.
  10. 32
    ✅Lose 3 kilos.
  11. 33
    ✅Start swimming regularly once a week again.
  12. 34
    Spend a romantic weekend in Bordeaux.
  13. 35
    ✅Buy Christmas presents before the last minute.
  14. 36
    ✅Bake some Christmas biscuits.
  15. 37
    Plan the 2025 holiday.

What’s on your list?

The idea of writing a To-Want list instead of a traditional To-Do list actually comes from Judith Peters’ Blogtoberfest – and I have to say, I had a lot of fun thinking about all the things I still want to experience and achieve by the end of the year.

I’m curious to see how many of my plans I can tick off. Over the next few months, I’ll be checking them off right here.

How about you? Do you have a list of things you want to accomplish before the year ends? Maybe you’ll find some common ground with mine? Feel free to leave a comment and tell me about your own goals for the final weeks of 2024. I’d love to hear your ideas!

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About the Author Lea Finke

Lea Finke is an artist with all her soul. In her blog, she talks about inspiration, passion, and encounters with art.

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