Interview: The Artist Annett Wagner

This week the artist Annett Wagner answers my questions. I'm particularly pleased because this is our second collaboration. Earlier this year, Annett wrote a guest

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Abstrakte Kunst - Besucher des Fondation Beyerler Museums in Basel vor verschiedenen Exponaten.

Abstract Art: Expression Beyond the Figurative

  Sprachen As an abstract artist, I frequently encounter questions and comments that challenge the nature of my work. "I don't get it" is just

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Interview: The Artist Emily Pals

Today, artist Emily Pals answers my questions. Emily discovered her love of oil painting in the cosy atmosphere of her grandfather's studio. Her work is

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Interview: The Artist Sandra Alisch

I am delighted that my interview series continues to grow and that so many creative people are answering my questions. Today I am thrilled to

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Ein Tisch ist in das Licht der Nachmittagssonne getaucht. Auf ihm liegt ein aufgeschlagenes Buch, weitere Bücher liegen bereit, eine Vase mit Blumen und eine Tasse Kaffee: So genießt man Kunst am Besten!

Interview: The writer Peter Hope (or not)

It's time for another interview in my creative series, and I'm delighted to introduce you to the next artist today - although the introduction is

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Auf einem Holztisch liegen verschiedene Materialien eines Künstlers. Scheitern ist ein Teil des kreativen Prozesses. An artist's various materials lie on a wooden table. Failure is part of the creative process.

The Courage to be Imperfect: Why Failure is Part of the Creative Process

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill Of course, no one likes to

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Interview: The artist Nadine Achtelik

A few weeks ago, I had the good fortune to stumble across an inspiring community of creative people. People from a wide range of artistic

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Art and cooking: An inviting table set with lots of delicacies for the whole family.

All about Passion: What art and cooking have in common (including favourite recipe)

  Sprachen Do artists tend to be more creative in the kitchen? Picasso's dinner parties are said to have been legendary. Frida Kahlo was a

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The Birth of Saint John the Baptist GENTILESCHI, ARTEMISA Copyright ©Museo Nacional del Prado

The Female Perspective: The Art and Life of Artemisia Gentileschi

Have you ever heard of Artemisia Gentileschi? She was the most famous female painter of the Baroque period, known and admired for her history paintings,

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