Ich freue mich, dass in dieser Woche mal wieder ein anderer kreativer Bereich in mein Interview-Projekt hüpft. Diesmal beantwortet nämlich Simone Rindlisbacher meine Fragen. Sie ist Fotografin und hat sich auf Porträt- und Tanzfotografie spezialisiert. Ihr Antrieb? Ganz einfach: Simone interessiert sich wirklich für die Menschen, die sie vor der

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I don’t follow a plan when I create art. Layer by layer, stroke by stroke, it’s all about letting something emerge. I stay open to the process and sometimes even surprise myself with the result. That was true this year as well. I’ve learned a lot – not just about

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This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing illustrator Bianka Behrami and photographer Kate Brunch. Both are versatile creatives with over 20 years of experience in the industry. However, this interview took a different turn. Instead of focusing on their individual creative fields, we delved into the creative community they

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Dieses Jahr hatte es bisher in sich – und darüber will ich mich nicht beschweren! Es lief ganz gut, mein bisher bestes Jahr. Ein großes Projekt hat mich mehrere Monate auf Trab gehalten und auch sonst hatte ich viel zu tun. Und auf einmal ist es schon Herbst und das

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My interviewee this week, Anita Griebl, has been helping people discover their own creativity for years. For her, painting is a joyful expression of intuition and emotions. She sees it as an invitation to embrace ease. In her workshops, she encourages participants to engage with the creative process without pressure,

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Ich komme gerade von einem Waldspaziergang zurück. Die Luft ist kühl, und die Blätter färben sich in warmen Gelb- und Rottönen. Das ist jedes Jahr ein vertrauter Anblick, der doch immer wieder neu und anders ist. Ich liebe den Herbst! Warm eingemummelt lässt es sich noch sehr gut draußen aufhalten.

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Maria Chiariello expresses her art in many forms. As the non-verbal stage persona Ms. Italia, she captivates audiences alongside Mr. Rockalicious in the duo Mitossi, blending music, mime, and theatre into a wild, enchanting performance. Without a single word, she brings her stories to life. Off stage, Maria shares her

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No artist I know captures light quite like Max Liebermann. Filtered through leaves and branches, it flows like gold onto paths and meadows, where it dances and comes to life. That’s what I love about his paintings – the atmosphere of shimmering joy they evoke. But Liebermann was much more

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Tobias Tambornino deliberately celebrates imperfection in his works. His style is experimental, playful, and allows space for chance to remain visible. Mistakes or irregularities are not flaws to him but rather an important part of the artistic process. In his work, he loves to just let things flow. His approach

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Honestly, I had pictured the past few weeks rather differently. But sometimes life just forces you to hit pause—whether you’re up for it or not. In my case, it was a cold that completely threw me off track from head to toe. Creative projects? Not a chance. Instead: sofa, blanket,

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