For many years, I had lost touch with my creative side. I had slipped into burnout and found myself caught in the heavy currents of depression. It felt like I was fighting against myself, as if someone had switched off the light inside me. The creativity that once grounded me

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Ich komme gerade von einem Waldspaziergang zurück. Die Luft ist kühl, und die Blätter färben sich in warmen Gelb- und Rottönen. Das ist jedes Jahr ein vertrauter Anblick, der doch immer wieder neu und anders ist. Ich liebe den Herbst! Warm eingemummelt lässt es sich noch sehr gut draußen aufhalten.

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As an artist, I'm used to spending a lot of time alone. My studio is my sanctuary, a space filled with colours, canvases, and ideas. I cherish these moments of peace and focus, but there are days when I stand there, brush in hand, and the inspiration just refuses to

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill Of course, no one likes to fail - but how would it feel to try something new, knowing that failure is a necessary part of the experience, and that it means

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The path of an artist can be a bumpy one. It doesn't matter what path we have chosen, whether officially through a course of study or self-taught, whether straight out of school or later in life, whether full-time or just in our spare time - nobody wakes up in the

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I love books. All kinds of books. Obviously, there are a few rows of art books on my bookshelves. And I use them. I like to flip through them when I'm looking for inspiration. I expand my knowledge about art and artists and get lost in the stories. In general,

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There are places that are inextricably linked with art. Monet's water lily pond is one such example. Or van Gogh's wheat fields in Provence. Places that inspire artists to create. Because it's no secret that places can have a significant impact on artistic creativity.But there are also lesser-known places that

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